Crispin School

iDEA Awards in Computing

Throughout this year, Year 9 have been working on their iDEA Awards in
Computing. Each week, they have been completing badges to achieve their awards. This is a great achievement and demonstrates that they have the digital, enterprise and employability skills needed in the workplace.

A huge well done to all of the students who have achieved their Bronze Award. Not only have they demonstrated that they have the skills needed by future employers; they have also shown that they have resilience, the ability to work independently and to be able to problem solve.

Certificates have now been provided to students via their tutor.

Three of our Year 9s have also completed their silver in addition to their bronze. Congratulations to Amber Redman, Josh Hawkins and James Loud - this is an amazing achievement. 

Our Year 8s will start their bronze awards when they return in September. 



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