Team Science want our students to leave us inquisitive about the world around them and with an appreciation of how science is relevant to their everyday lives. We want our students to be knowledgeable, so that they can make logically informed decisions about science that may affect them in the future. Finally, we want our students to enjoy their learning in science; hopefully some will choose to pursue science beyond Crispin!
To reach our aims, the team helps encourage self-regulated students, who have developed strategies to improve their resilience, competence and confidence in all aspects of science. Therefore, we start modelling and developing self–regulation strategies alongside the subject knowledge we impart. For example, students are encouraged to take more responsibility in their learning both within and outside the classroom. They are taught to identify strengths and areas for development, with teachers modelling how to do this and how to action these to make improvement. Teachers explicitly model their thinking to help students develop self-reflection and strategies for revision and learning task completion.
Our curriculum builds an understanding of key scientific knowledge from year 7 through to year 11. Topics are regularly reviewed by the team and taught in an order to best build and deepen knowledge, so that students are able to apply this knowledge in future. This learning is intertwined with developing scientific skills through relevant practical investigations. Both year 7 and our GCSE curriculum are being considered currently in order to foster the best outcomes for our students, drawing on relevant up to date research about teaching and learning. Our teachers are passionate about inclusion and challenge for all students, regardless of background or circumstance. Science education is for all learners.
science curriculum journey 1 updated 2022 summer.pdf
Key Stage 3
In years 7 and 8, we focus on developing a solid understanding of key scientific knowledge, broken down into topics and building on the KS2 National Curriculum of Study. Students study a structured mix of biology, chemistry, and physics throughout each year. We actively make links between the sciences other areas of the curriculum. We also want our students to think hard, linking their learning to the real world and science in the news.
In recent years Team Science have also taken an active role in Summer School. By doing this we help to promote a positive transition experience from KS2 into 3, ensuring students feel comfortable and confident. This helps students our new year 7 students make a flying start! The team has also gone into local primary schools to promote science through project work which was directly linked to the same project being completed by our KS3 learners.
In year 9, we focus on developing a deeper understanding of fundamental knowledge across biology, chemistry and physics, like cell biology, energy (physics) and states of matter (chemistry), which students first studied in years 7 and 8. Students develop strategies to help acquire and embed this understanding into their long term memory. They also undertake more complex practical investigations, becoming more competent and confident in their skills, alongside the learning of new scientific knowledge. This transitional year ensures to prepare students for the challenges and demand of the GCSE content.
Key Stage 4
From year 10, students continue to build upon their understanding of key scientific knowledge. This base knowledge is then applied to practical investigations and unfamiliar, real-life scenarios. Students are introduced to new topics, and into year 11, study more everyday applications of science in addition to learning about new technologies. Students’ competency and resilience continues to grow with the science team continuing to model strategies to support student self-regulation.
Edexcel Combined Science GCSEEdexcel Chemistry GCSEEdexcel Biology GCSEEdexcel Physics GCSE
Outside the Classroom
Team Science offer learning experiences outside of the classroom to build curiosity and a wider understanding of science in our lives. One way we do this is by offering science activities through the enrichment programme. This academic year we are looking to continue to ensure a number of opportunities for our students to study Science beyond the classroom.
Other experiences include trips, visits and competitions. In January 2024 Crispin School hosted a VEX Robotics Regional competition, which our students qualified from so that in March 2024, these students represented Crispin in the VEX robotics National Competition over 2 days in Telford, for the second year running. In February a number of year 10 triple students visited Bristol Beacon Centre to hear Scientists passionately talk about their areas of study in the Science Live! event. This also included a talk from a GCSE examiner who gave them some top tips for ensuring success in their Science examinations. This experience we are looking at running again in February 2025. KS4 physics students were also treated to a Physics Masterclass hosted at Millfield. In June 2024 some year 7 students took part in a hand on Physics competition at Millfield school. Some of our KS3 students have also gained Crest Awards which recognise their STEM project work and inspires students to think like scientists and engineers. Previous activities have been varied and included; a visiting planetarium, careers days for KS4, chemistry club, habitats, gardening and first aid!
All of these experiences broaden perspectives for our students and where science could take them. We therefore build examples of careers into our science curriculum at KS3 and 4. We have been proud over the years to have many students who study science beyond Crispin with some of our students studying at Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Cardiff and Kings College universities or through pursuing science through other pathways like engineering and automotive apprenticeships.
Team Science are not just teachers. We play a full and enthusiastic role in school life, as tutors, participating in different school trips, and whole school activities such as the 'Crispmas Show' and House Competitions. The teaching team is also supported by enthusiastic and skilled Senior Science technicians. Our technicians not only participate in school life, but ensure that students are able to have the best practical experiences possible while at Crispin.
We are passionate and knowledgeable practitioners and play an active role in the MSC Teacher Training programme supporting trainees and those new to the profession through mentoring and delivery of training sessions, preparing new teachers to teach Science to the same high standards we all hold ourselves to.
Last Updated: July 2024