Crispin School

SEND, Inclusion, EAL, and Learning Support

The Learning Support Department at Crispin is committed to ensuring that all students with additional needs have equal access to the learning and curriculum through careful understanding of their individual needs, high quality teaching and targeted intervention and support.  

Crispin adheres to the 0-25 Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice 2015 through the 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' process and a graduated response to identify additional learning needs. We work closely with students, parents and outside agencies to ensure that we have a good understanding of the individual requirements of each of our students on the SEND register and all staff are committed to the inclusion and progress of all our students.

Students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are supported by a skilled and dedicated team of Learning Support Assistants in a variety of ways, both in the whole class setting, and through small group and 1:1 interventions.

If you would like further information about SEND Provision at Crispin, please contact the Main School Office to make an appointment with our SENDCo, Simon Thomas-Boddy.

Access Arrangements


Physical and Sensory Care Plans

Flex-ability Sessions

Cognition and Learning Base

Read Write Inc.

Rapid Readers

Lexia + 

Spelling Detectives

Anger Management

Drawing Therapy

Talk Time


LEGO Based Therapy

Active Therapy 

Anxiety Management Group

Proprioception Through Sport

Social Skills and Friendship

Bereavement Group


Self Esteem

Social Stories

Zones of Regulation 





Last Updated: September 2024

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