Crispin School


At Crispin, we offer a bespoke Philosophy course for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. In Year 7, students will have a more structured curriculum designed to teach the skills required to engage with learning across all subjects. Through Years 8 and 9, students will reinforce these skills with case studies to test their understanding and reasoning. The program is spiraled to further assist in embedding life skills for better development.

The Philosophy curriculum is broken down into Philosophical Skills and Metacognitive skills.

The Philosophical skills encourage students to take a deeper look at everyday concepts and processes in order to consider them in a new light. This aids better understanding of the world around them and how students interact with it.

The Metacognitive skills are implemented to complement and enhance the learning they engage with around the school and elsewhere. These skills aid more careful insight, reflection and evaluation of the progress made in lessons and beyond.

philosophy v3 bfa.pdf

philosophy curriculum journey new.pdf

philosophy program of study.pdf

Each lesson begins with retrieval practice from the last session and more distant experiences to aid in knowledge acquisition and faster retrieval. This contributes to better revision strategies in the future.

Various stimuli are used in each lesson to help engage and provoke thought and discussion. These debates are then used to deepen thought processes and arrive at conclusions. Value is placed on collaboration and communication, as well as critical thinking, creativity and reasoning.


The benefits of this include:

  • Increased confidence
  • Greater self-esteem
  • Self-reflection
  • Improved collaboration
  • Logical reasoning
  • Better communication
  • Self-evaluation



Last Updated: July 2024

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