At Crispin, students choose their options in the Spring Term of Year 9. We firmly believe in students being able to choose from a wide range of subjects which allows for a degree of personalisation to their curriculum while also following an academic core.
The majority of students choose either Geography or History and a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish). All students are then allowed to follow an additional two courses which could include more than two of the options above or another two subjects from a wide range of academic and technical options.
Finally, enrichment is seen as being very important at Crispin and students have a wide range of opportunities to learn outside formal lessons. Such opportunities include school trips, sporting activities, music, dramatic productions, work experience, visiting speakers and school leadership opportunities. The core values of ‘Aspiration, Compassion and Excellence' permeate all areas of school life.
Key Stage 4 Options Booklet
Click here for the latest Options presentations
Updated: September 2022