Crispin School

Extended Learning

Extended Learning is key in supporting students at Crispin to progress. It also teaches the invaluable life skills of organisation, scheduling and prioritisation of tasks. At Crispin we promote 'flipped learning' in order to support our students to develop independence and foster a love of learning. Teachers can set tasks which encourage students to research topics or investigate new learning before it is then delved into in class. This way, students arrive at lessons informed and confident that they can contribute successfully to the direction of the learning. 

All students are issued with an Extended Learning schedule to follow. This will include a piece of extended learning from two subjects each day with the time allocation increasing as students move through the year groups. As a guide, a Year 7 student is expected to complete an hour of extended learning per day whilst a student in Year 10 and 11 is expected to complete two hours.

Extended Learning 2023-24

All extended learning tasks will be set via Assignments on Teams and Parents and Carers will receive weekly updates informing you of your child's submissions. 


Extended Learning Planning Sheet

How to use it:

  • Please write the dates in the top of the boxes.
  • Write your Extended Learning in a notebook or diary as usual.
  • At the start of each week, fill in your personal and family commitments.
  • Write each subject at the top of the day it is due and then add in a box before that date to show when you plan to do it.
  • Do this each night when you get home to keep organised.
  • Tick off/highlight as its done.


Blank Template

Last updated: July 2024

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