Careers and Employability
Inspiring students and supporting their aspirations is important to us at Crispin. To find out further about this support please read on below or open up our careers plan.
Public Careers Report 2022 - 2023
employability curriculumjourney.pdf
Careers Staff
- Mr Bullock is our SLT Careers Leader & Employability Coordinator – Responsible for the careers programme and Year 11 planned destinations as well as Year 7 – 10 including mock interviews and work experience.
Our Careers Adviser is Mrs Creed. She holds a Level 6 qualification in careers guidance and is based in the Careers room 2 days a week. Email to book an appointment.
We also have a business Enterprise Adviser (EA) Justin Collis - Project & Engineering Manager from Hanson- Heidelberg Materials, who is linked to our school and offers support from a business perspective on our careers curriculum.
We work in partnership with the Somerset Career Hub and Crispin School are implementing and evaluated on the Gatsby Foundation’s eight Career Benchmarks of good practice
Any queries regarding careers events or work experience please contact Mr Bullock, Employability Coordinator via
Below are the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks as outlined by the Government in April 2018 that we will be working towards to ensure our students are well equipped and prepared for a work situation.
Setting goals and starting to think about the future is incredibly important in supporting your current progress and success. Start researching a range of different educational routes and careers now. iCould is a great resource where you can take a buzz quiz to discover your strengths and areas to develop and research a range of careers linked to all of your subjects.
If you want to find out more, log in to your Grofar account and click on the resources area. Here you will find links to all our local education providers and more amazing careers websites for you to look at.
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your career/education routes send a message to Sacha Creed (Careers advisor).
The below Padlets are updated daily by the Somerset Careers Hub with a myriad of opportunities and events students can attend to help develop their understanding of the careers paths open to them. All opportunities relate to careers in all industries in Somerset and the South West more widely.
Careerometer: A tool to compare jobs
Use the Careerometer to compare different jobs in regards to salary, working hours, and skill required.
Click on the dotted square.
Type in the first career that you think you might be interested in and select from the drop-down list, then add a second for comparison.
We provide a series of careers events ranging from information sessions, workshops, and PHSE lessons to guide students throughout all stages of their education. Some of the events we have held, or are planning to hold, include:
- PSHE lesson; Every year group from 7-11 have lessons based around future careers and employability skills such as; Year 9 investigate a range of careers and Year 10 look at writing CVs and covering letters which leads into a Mock Interview Day run by local employers
- Year 9 Careers Fair visit
- Year 10 Alumni Careers events
- Year 9 Future First event to work with our alumni to raise aspirations of our students
- Visits to, or from, local businesses and organisations to inspire and allow students to consider a range of career options
- University visits and virtual sessions to offer higher education information
- Year 7 visit to Bridgwater College
- Careers workshop day, where students get to try out a range of careers finding out what skills and subjects various industries are looking for.
All careers and enrichment activities that students attend are logged onto our careers platform, Grofar, so that students are able to build up their own CV of skills and accomplishments to look at and evaluate.
In Years 10 and 11, students also have an appointment with Mrs Creed, an independent and impartial careers adviser, who comes into school twice a week. We provide additional careers meetings for our Pupil Premium students. Students in other years can request an appointment with her by speaking to their tutor.
All year 10 students are also provided with the opportunity to complete a week’s work experience in July. Students are supported to find their placements by accessing a database of local employers that have offered placements previously, alternately students are free to seek a placement through their own contacts. All placements are assessed for their suitability and contacted prior to the week’s experience. Students keep a detailed log during their week, which encourages them to reflect on the array of new skills they are developing.
N.B.: All events will continue to be under review this year, in continued response to the impact of Covid-19, we will endeavour to return to all face-to-face events where possible, however, we will continue to make use of the advancements in remote access to ensure students have the widest range of opportunities.
Any queries regarding careers event or work experience please contact Mr Bullock or Mrs Creed via the main school office on or 01458 442714.
Visit the link below for information to help support your child make the right decision about study and work. There is a whole host of information, including year 9 options, poist-16 options, further study routes and helpful videos answering key questions parents/carers often have on supporting their child.
Students accessing relevant and up to date employer information is highly important to us, as is the influence that both local and national organisations can have on the career development, aspirations and character building on our students. If you feel you can offer any support to us then please click on the link below and select the areas you feel you could offer your services to.
Register as a Crispin School Academy Community Hero
Go to the Crispin School Academy Community Heroes page
Offering careers information and raising aspirations is the responsibility of every member of staff at Crispin. Careers forms an integral part of the curriculum for each subject area. To help support the development of careers within your own curriculum areas, the following links offer clear explanations of how to successfully meet Gatsby benchmark 4 and strategies to use.
What is Gatsby benchmark 4Careers in the curriculum modelling toolCareers curriculum auditAlternatively speak to your dedicated subject Gatsby champion, who has access to a wider list of useful websites and resources to use.
Throughout your time at school you will be faced with a range of choices regarding the next steps in your education, further study, and eventual career paths. Year 9 and Year 11 are both major "Transition" periods, where these choices are most clear to see. However, it's never too early to start thinking about your next steps. Below are some useful links and documents to help you make the most informed decisions you can. Making sure your decisions are informed will maximise your chances of success and enjoyment in your next steps.
Routes after Year 11 - Guide for Parents
Year 9 Options- your choices at 14
Really unsure of what you want to do? Sometimes it helps to start to think about it through a subject lens. Start with a subject you love, and see what career path it can take you down!
Last Updated: July 2024