Crispin School

Health and Social Care

Our current year 11s are studying the BTEC Tech award in Health and Social Care. Our Year 10s are now studying the OCR Cambridge National award in Health and Social. The curriculum journey below outlines our new Cambridge National qualification. The units outline overlap with those studied for the BTEC. Both qualifications offer an excellent insight in the various health and social care services, life stages we pass through within our lifetime, the impacts of life events on our development and the values employers must adhere to within these sectors. 

BTEC Tech award

Within Year 10 students have completed two assignments investigating the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development that individuals pass through in their lifetime. They have researched significant life events, and analysed the impact these such life events can have on individuals.

In Year 11 students will complete a further two assignments, looking at health and social services within their local area and investigate the barriers that people may have in accessing them. They will learn about the care values that employers within these services must adhere to, and evaluate how to effectively meet the needs of individuals while demonstrating these values.

Students complete four internally assessed assignments and an external exam as part of the award. 

OCR Cambridge National

OCR Health and Social Care GCSE

In Year 10 students will complete two large assignments. The first will involve investigating the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development that individuals pass through in their lifetime. They will look at expected and non-expected life events and analyse the impact of a life event of an individual's growth and development. The second assignment will delve into the health and social care sectors further and they will work to create a health campaign. These task develop the student's research, extended writing, empathy and resilience skills.

In Year 11 students complete their learnt content for their externally assessed exam. This unit brings together their learning from year 10 and develops their understanding of health care professionals.

health and social care 2022.pdf

 Last Updated: September 2022

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