Crispin School

Anti-bullying at Crispin

At Crispin we want all of our students to feel happy and safe.  We recognise the impact that bullying can have on young people and we have a ‘Zero Tolerance’ approach towards any bullying behaviour.

The main signs of bullying are that:

  • There is a deliberate intention to hurt or humiliate.
  • There is an unequal power balance that makes it hard for the victim to defend themselves.
  • It is usually persistent or systematic. 

It is important to understand that bullying is very different to conflict or friendships fallouts.  It helps to consider one fight or argument between two people of equal power – this is NOT usually seen as bullying.

What can you do if you are being bullied, witness bullying, or are worried about possible bullying?

All students are regularly reminded to talk to a trusted adult if they are worried about bullying. Students see their tutor every morning and can share any concerns with them, in the first instance. But, students can also speak to their House Learning Coordinator, Head of House, a member of Student Support or any other staff member they feel comfortable with.  Students can also use our online ‘BullyBox’ to share any concerns.

Types of Bullying

Physical - when someone pushes you, hits you or harms you in any way physically.

Name calling - bullied by name calling regularly and it is hurtful.

Prejudice driven - Bullying is often driven by prejudice, fear or anger.  People can be singled out for no apparent reason.  This includes prejudice against:

  • Special needs and disability
  • Race, religion or culture
  • Homophobic, transphobic and biphobic bullying
  • Sexist and sexual bullying

Social Isolation - leaving out, making plans and excluding others, socially isolating from group.

Cyberbullying - being bullied online, via mobile phone or on social networks.

How do we deal with bullying concerns?

We treat all bullying concerns very seriously and will fully investigate every situation.  We understand how difficult it can be for our students to share concerns and ensure we treat each incident sensitively, involving the student in discussions on how best to deal with the situation.

We use a number of approaches to ensure the bullying stops. These include:

  • Individual support for the target and aggressor
  • Restorative justice approaches
  • Peer support via our Anti-bullying Ambassadors
  • Consequences via our school behaviour system

We monitor situations closely and communicate with parents and carers to keep everyone updated.

Be an ‘Upstander’.

When you see or hear any bullying behaviour, make a choice to do the right thing.  Don’t be a bystander and let the bully or bullies think their behaviour is supported or ok.  Stand up for the target by showing your dislike for the bullying behaviour, without getting into any confrontation. Then, quietly tell an adult.

If you have any bullying concerns – please speak to your tutor, House Learning Coordinator, Head of House or any other trusted adult in school.  You can also speak to one of our anti-Bullying Ambassadors who are all identifiable by their anti-bullying badges.  Alternatively, report any concerns using Crispin’s online BullyBox at the bottom of this page.

Online Help and support

Online information, advice and support is available from these websites;

Please also see further help and support on the help section of our website here.



If you have been involved in or witnessed bullying, you may use the form below to report it to staff.

 Last Updated: November 2023

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